Oosterscheldepark de Stelhoeve
Activities in the area

Activities in the area

Do you want to leave De Stelhoeve and be active for a day? There are various types of activities to go on in the area.

Diving in the Oosterschelde

Or are you a diver, and are you looking for an area where everyone can have fun? De Stelhoeve is the right place to go! We offer you a combination of diving and a recreational stay.

Various diving options

Because there has been a lot of diving along the dyke at De Stelhoeve, we had a discussion with the Dutch Underwater Sports Assocation (NOB). We asked them which important additions to the park for a diver are possible. That's why we created a place where you can shower after diving, rinse the suits and equipment, and let everything dry.

The Duikschuur is in front of the park, right next to the dyke. There also is a set of stairs that allows you to go straight onto the dyke. Head this way to easily reach the diving spot of De Stelhoeve, which is right by the Oosterschelde.

Refill station and diving shop

Furthermore, a refill station for compressed air bottles is 50 meters away, and the village has a diving shop where you can purchase all the necessary equipment.

Sailing in Zeeland

Wemeldinge has a large marina with 485 berths (www.vdrest.nl). This marina has recently been expanded with 45 luxurious berths. Around this harbor you'll find nice terraces, a restaurant (www.bomdia.nl), a bistro (www.puurjuno.nl) and a water sports shop. It's fun to walk by here, it's only 5 minutes from de Stelhoeve.

Goese golf

Within a 5-minute drive from De Stelhoeve you'll find golf complex Goese Golf. This 18-hole competition course was developed in 1995 during the construction of the Goese Meer. The Goese Golf has extensive practice facilities and a professional and active golf school.

Lots more!

You can do many things in the area around the Oosterschelde, like sailing, spotting seals, and collecting mussels and oysters. You can find additional information here, and discover what else "the Oosterschelde" has to offer.